Thursday, 23 April 2015

Ninja Slayer Episode 1

The new anime by Trigger seems to be a bad attempt at a joke.

The premise is pretty simple, a guy's family gets killed by an evil organization of ninjas, he goes out to kill all of them and get his revenge. That's the long and short of it.

The opening song does not give much foreshadowing to the contents of the rest of the episode:

Cute girl, what could go wrong?
After the opening, the anime hits you like a monkey throwing its crap at you.

Yeah its a robot ninja monkey
Several cut out paper character sequences ensue, which has an effect like getting hit on the head by a brick.

Left right x 5
On the bright side, the death sequences have a "mortal combat" feel:

You might want to get used to the sequences above, they are the bread and butter of this show; lots of "YEARHHHHH" and blood spraying.

Paper cutout police brutality.

After more paper cutouts stomping on another paper cutout, we get more yearhs!!!!

Overall, this anime seems to be geared towards the younger crowd. People who likes animated comics may enjoy this, i am certainly looking forward to how much blood....interesting the show is going to get. It definitely has the potential to be a cult classic.

Art: 3/10
Animation: 4/10
Story: 5/10

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